Friday, July 8, 2016

How To Get Rid Of Acne with Zinc and Selenium?

Does Zinc and selenium work to get rid of face acne?
Zinc is needed for the proper growth and maintenance of the human body. It is found in several systems and biological reactions, and it is needed for immune function, wound healing, blood clotting, thyroid function, and much more. Meats, seafood, dairy products, nuts, legumes, and whole grains offer relatively high levels of zinc.

Zinc deficiency is not uncommon worldwide, but is rare in the US. Symptoms include slowed growth, low insulin levels, loss of appetite, irritability, generalized hair loss, rough and dry skin, slow wound healing, poor sense of taste and smell, diarrhea, and nausea. Moderate zinc deficiency is associated with disorders of the intestine which interfere with food absorption (malabsorption syndromes), alcoholism, chronic kidney failure, and chronic debilitating diseases.

Zinc plays a key role in maintaining vision, and it is present in high concentrations in the eye. Zinc deficiency can alter vision, and severe deficiency can cause changes in the retina (the back of the eye where an image is focused).

Zinc might also have effects against viruses. It appears to lessen symptoms of the rhinovirus (common cold), but researchers can’t yet explain exactly how this works. In addition, there is some evidence that zinc has some antiviral activity against the herpes virus.

Low zinc levels can be associated with male infertility, sickle cell disease, HIV, major depression, and type 2 diabetes, and can be fought by taking a zinc supplement.Source: 

Foods provide zinc for skin acne:
Seafood (Cooked Oysters)
Zinc in 100g
78.6mg (524% DV)
Other Seafood High in Zinc (%DV per 3oz cooked): Crab (43%), and Lobster (41%).

Beef and Lamb (Cooked Lean Beef Shortribs)
Zinc in 100g
12.3mg (82% DV)
Lamb is also a good source of Zinc (%DV per 3oz cooked): Lean Foreshank (49%), Lean Shoulder (46%) and Lean Cubed Lamb for Stewing (37%).

Wheat Germ (Toasted)
Zinc in 100g
16.7mg (111% DV)
Crude or Untoasted Wheat Germ is also a good source of Zinc providing 94% DV per cup.

Does Selenium work for acne?
Selenium is an essential trace mineral important for cognitive function, a healthy immune system and fertility for both men and women. Selenium is found in a variety of foods, the richest sources being Brazil nuts, seafood and organ meats.

The amount of selenium in food often depends on the selenium concentration of the soil and water where the food was grown or raised. 

What is best source of Selenium:
  • Brazil nuts, 1 ounce: 543 micrograms
  • Halibut, baked, 1 fillet: 148 micrograms
  • Tuna, canned, 3 ounces: 68 micrograms
  • Oysters, raw, 3 ounces: 56 micrograms
  • Rice, white, long grain, 1 cup: 44 micrograms
  • Lobster, 3 ounces: 36 micrograms
  • Sunflower seeds, ¼ cup: 25 micrograms
  • Egg, 1 large: 16 micrograms
  • Bread, whole wheat, 1 slice: 10 micrograms.
  • The amount of selenium in grains and grain-based foods greatly depends on soil content.
  • Most fruits and vegetables are low in selenium.
How to avoid low confidence after acne?

How to get rid of people point out my acne?

Getting rid of people bad words about your acne is not a difficult issue, the problem is inside you, the issue is your low confidence.

While many people around you in school, in work, or any other place, tend to ruin the confidence due to face acne, you still able to stand and defend your confidence
  1. Ignore Comments,If someone says something rude about your acne, don't indulge them. Someone commenting on your skin says way more about that person than it does about you. And that someone is a total jerk. 
  2. Stay Positive 
  3. Realize It's Not As Noticeable As You Think 
  4. Don't Spend Too Much Time Analyzing Your Skin 
  5. Don't Let It Stop You From Doing Things 
  6. Be Patient
A Real story from a person like you
I am 30 years old and have had bad cystic acne for 15 years, except for the times I was on medication, which would be about 8 or 9 of those years. I think people point out other people's acne for various reasons. Sometimes it seems like they are genuinely concerned. I've definitely suspected that some people do it out of malice though, (or maybe I should say their own insecurity?)

Either way, in my opinion, what people say to you about your skin says something about them, and it says absolutely nothing about you. I am constantly reminding myself of this.

I don't have a good answer to your question as to what you should do. All I know is that it's hard sometimes for me too when people stare at my acne rather than making eye contact. I empathize with how challenging it must be for you to work in the health care field as well.

I obsessively notice how people touch their face when speaking to me as if to indicate to me that I have something on my face. I have the nicest colleague who unknowingly does this all the time when talking to me. It sometimes mega bothers me/hurts my feelings, but I think that this is entirely subconcious on his part.

The next time someone says something insensitive to me re: my skin, I would like to tell them that some people just have acne. That's it.

The amount that I obsess over my acne is ridiculous. I am working on this though. I just try to remind myself that it's only a problem because of how image obsessed most of us are. Acne wouldn't be a problem otherwise, right?

I find the following quote inspiring: "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" (Jiddu Krishnamurti)

And after all that I just said, I'm clearly on this website in hope of helping my acne heal. But after having it for so long, I've realized that I need to accept it and to stop feeling ashamed of it. It's really a lot easier to do this when I'm either by myself or with people who do not judge me at all because of my skin.